Vucevic: I would like Scholz to visit Serbia

BELGRADE - Serbian PM Milos Vucevic said on Wednesday he would like German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and EU Vice President for Energy Maros Sefcovic to come to Serbia on Friday but that he was as yet unable to confirm the visit.

"I would like that visit to take place. It is a chance for Serbia for Chancellor Scholz to visit our country for a second time during his term. In the current geopolitical circumstances, that is really an unusual thing, unusual practice," Vucevic told reporters in a comment on reports by Serbian and foreign media outlets that Scholz and Sefcovic would visit Serbia to sign a memorandum on critical raw materials.

He added that any opportunity for discussions would be used to talk about Serbia's interests and EU path, as well as bilateral relations with Germany.

"We will discuss the situation in Kosovo-Metohija, the pressure Republika Srpska...

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