Bulgaria: Parliamentary Clash Over Proposal to Honor Former Communist Leader

In the Bulgarian parliament, a heated dispute erupted over the proposal to award Georgi Yordanov the "Stara Planina" order of the first degree, nearly resulting in a physical altercation. The conflict centered around the communist regime and "State Security."

Atanas Atanasov, co-chairman of "We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria" (WCC-DB), called on Prime Minister Glavchev and the Minister of Culture to cancel the nomination. He read the law declaring the communist regime criminal. In response, the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), the successor of the communist party) occupied the tribune, prompting the speaker to announce a 10-minute break.

Atanasov criticized the caretaker government's decision to propose the former member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP) and Todor Zhivkov's Minister of Culture, Georgi Yordanov, for the state's highest honor, calling it absurd. Ivan Chenchev of BSP defended Yordanov, citing his contributions to Bulgarian culture.

Kostadin Kostadinov of "Revival" (Vazrazhdane) chimed in, presenting a book on communist morality to Atanasov, labeling him a former communist. Boyko Borissov of GERB expressed solidarity with Atanasov, urging the cancellation of Yordanov's award but also calling on Atanasov to distance himself from those connected to "State Security."

Bozhidar Bozhankov of WCC-DB responded, blaming GERB's loss in the elections on their mismanagement of the capital and dismissing the relevance of the BCP and "State Security" connections.

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