New Elections in Bulgaria Seem Certain: "There Is Such a People" Returns Mandate Tomorrow

Slavi Trifonov, the leader of "There Is Such a People" (TISP), announced that the parliamentary group will return the third exploratory mandate for forming a regular government unfulfilled. Trifonov holds GERB and "We Continue the Change - Democratic Bulgaria" (WCC-DB) responsible for the failed negotiations, despite reaching a comprehensive understanding on important topics with other political formations, except DPS-Peevski, who did not respond to the invitation.

The situation is now clear: Bulgaria is headed for early parliamentary elections in the fall. Trifonov explained on Facebook that, although there was a complete coincidence of priorities, tasks, goals, and methods of performance between TISP and five political subjects—independent MPs around Nikolay Markov, independent MPs from DPS around Jevdet Chakarov, the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), WCC-DB, and GERB—support for the third mandate was not found.

Despite the lack of discrepancies and the constant emphasis on responsibility and the need for a regular cabinet, two political structures, WCC-DB and GERB, refused to support TISP. Trifonov criticizes WCC-DB for hiding behind their governing bodies and GERB for being unable to escape the influence of Boyko Borissov, leading to what he describes as a stupid and irresponsible decision to refuse support.

Trifonov mentioned that only the DPS group led by Delyan Peevski wanted immediate elections, and he blames Boyko Borissov for fulfilling Peevski's wish, sending the country to another early election. Trifonov expressed his certainty that Borissov would suffer the full political concesqucens for this outcome.

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