Summer heroes

The large screen that is set up every summer at the village kafeneio is not just showing soccer this year. Patrons often ask to have it switched to the Olympics, especially when Greek athletes are competing. Last Tuesday night was "the big moment." About 50 people watched in complete silence as Miltiadis Tentoglou, the Greek long-jump champion, aimed to surpass his own limits. "Do you think we might have jinxed him?" some whispered anxiously. In the end, he won gold, even though he didn't break his record. The crowd erupted in cheers and clinked their beers loudly, thrilled by his victory. Conversations sparked up, and despite the noise, the sense of triumph lingered at the kafeneio for a long time. Newcomers who missed the event arrived, learned the news, and added to the celebration. Nearby, kids had set up a makeshift pit and were competing to jump as far as possible.

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