Syriza Enigma: Kasselakis Enters Parliament, Tsapanidou Holds the Key, Lali Unlikely to Resign

Political interest is focused on the internal developments within the SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, as the resignation of Othon Iliopoulos from his position as a member of the main opposition’s parliamentary list, though anticipated for months, has nonetheless shaken the August calm among party officials and members.

Citing his academic obligations in the U.S. as a Professor at Harvard, Mr. Iliopoulos announced his intention to resign from his parliamentary position. However, he urged his fellow candidates on the SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance’s parliamentary list to pave the way for the vacant seat to be filled by the party’s President, Stefanos Kasselakis.

As Mr. Iliopoulos stated, “I hope that my resignation will not deprive my fellow Greeks abroad of their representation, as I am resigning in favor of the other Greek expatriate on our list, the elected President of SYRIZA, Stefanos Kasselakis,” a remark that directly addresses the remaining candidates for the position.

This is because Mr. Iliopoulos’ seat in Parliament can be taken by Mr. Kasselakis only if all the remaining candidates, namely:

  • Popi Tsapanidou
  • Michalis Kalogirou
  • Jenny Livadarou
  • Zorzeta Lali

decide to step aside.

Given that Popi Tsapanidou served as spokesperson under Tsipras and Michalis Kalogirou is a member of the board of the Tsipras Institute, both being close collaborators, various scenarios have emerged in recent hours regarding the timing of Othon Iliopoulos’ resignation among opposition members.

Silence from Tsapanidou

What is certain is that the catalyst for the internal party scene will be the decision of the first alternate, as confirmed by sources within the Hellenic Parliament, specifically the well-known journalist, Popi Tsapanidou, who will be the first to decide whether she will accept the position on August 28.

If Ms. Tsapanidou accepts the position and is sworn in as a member of parliament, according to sources, Mr. Kasselakis will lose any chance of entering Parliament, and the process will conclude on August 28 with the swearing-in ceremony.

However, if both Ms. Tsapanidou and the other candidates up to the eighth position on the SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance parliamentary list decline their right to fill Mr. Iliopoulos’ position, then Zorzeta Lali, a former senior official of the European Commission, is expected to take over. According to reliable information, Ms. Lali does not intend to relinquish her right to be sworn in as a member of parliament, and this is not the first time she has faced such a decision.

Last winter, when the issue of Mr. Iliopoulos’ potential resignation arose again, Ms. Lali had reportedly informed Mr. Kasselakis in a phone call that she would be sworn in as a member of parliament if all previous candidates stepped aside. It appears she still holds this position and is close to the New Left members who have left SYRIZA.

Meanwhile, there are increasing calls from SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance members and officials aligned with Stefanos Kasselakis, urging the alternate candidates to resign so that he can take Othon Iliopoulos’ parliamentary seat. “He expresses hope that his resignation will not deprive his compatriots abroad of their representation, as he is resigning in favor of the other Greek expatriate on the list, the elected President of SYRIZA, Stefanos Kasselakis,” emphasized the farewell statement from Kouloumoundourou to Othon Iliopoulos, though the likelihood of fulfilling this wish appears slim.

The post Syriza Enigma: Kasselakis Enters Parliament, Tsapanidou Holds the Key, Lali Unlikely to Resign appeared first on ProtoThema English.

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