The noblest aim of politics

As a quintessential political art, theater has always served as a valuable conduit for reminding and updating the timeless demands of a well-ordered state. The pursuit of a fairer world has long been a constant reference point for art, with the theater's focus on justice emerging as a recognizable motif since the archetypal dramaturgy of the great Greek tragedians.

In the context of Euripides' Hecuba, Tiago Rodrigues, a restless Portuguese director with a universal perspective, authored and directed the play "Hecuba, not Hecuba," which was staged by the Comedie-Francaise a few weeks ago in the privileged theatrical setting of Ancient Epidaurus. Through his aesthetic and political interpretation of Hecuba, Rodrigues primarily confirms the timeless nature of high art and the enduring voice of classical tragedians.

In Rodrigues' adaptation, a contemporary actress...

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