State invoice e-monitoring as of January

State General Accounting Office officials predict a primary deficit of 1-1.2% of GDP for 2022.  [INTIME NEWS]

The government's electronic invoicing system will be fully operational from January 2025, with the aim of complete transparency in the state's transactions with the companies that supply the state.

Already many companies that do business with the state have joined the electronic invoicing system, while from January all expenses will go through the new system.

This means that the State General Accounting Office will know each transaction down to the last decimal digit in real time. All procurements of the state, which add up to approximately 13-15 billion euros per year, will then be controlled electronically and automatically.

With the new electronic invoicing system, which will gradually cover all public bodies, all contracts and procurements will be known to the state, monitoring where the budget money is going. It will also know in full detail whether an...

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