Fire in Attica: Short Circuit in Power Lines in Varnavas Likely Cause of Outbreak

Authorities are currently investigating the circumstances under which the large fire in northeastern Attica began.

According to well-informed sources, the most likely scenario being considered is that the fire was caused by a short circuit in power lines in the Varnavas area.

Although this theory has not yet been officially confirmed, the evidence available to fire department officials suggests that the cause is most likely related to a short circuit in the power network.

Meanwhile, Minister of Civil Protection Vassilis Kikilias released a video captured by drones when the fire started in Varnavas on Sunday afternoon.

The video shows a drone from Parnitha detecting the start of the fire in Varnavas at 15:02.

At 15:06, just four minutes after the fire was detected, the first helicopter is seen arriving at the scene, and a minute later (at 15:07), the helicopter begins water drops.

The first ground forces arrived at the scene seven minutes later.

Mr. Kikilias also mentioned that the aerial and ground response was immediate, but the extreme conditions, combined with prior drought and the difficult terrain, made the situation insurmountable.

The post Fire in Attica: Short Circuit in Power Lines in Varnavas Likely Cause of Outbreak appeared first on ProtoThema English.

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