Doukas from Rhodes: “Let’s Rebuild the Great Progressive Bloc”

Doukas emphasized the “national significance” of the October 6 internal party election, calling for renewed support to establish a major democratic force that addresses modern challenges. He highlighted the urgent need for a revitalized health system and economic relief, particularly in addressing high fuel prices and rising costs. Doukas’ visit included discussions with local officials and community leaders on crucial issues such as tourism sustainability and infrastructure improvements. He stressed that the upcoming elections are crucial for steering the country towards effective, progressive governance and urged support for his vision.

“We have started our pre-election campaign for the October 6th elections to contest the leadership of PASOK-Movement for Change. I need to be here on your island, Rhodes, during the tourist season. Unfortunately, you also experienced a fire recently, and I wish a speedy recovery to the two firefighters who were injured. I hope everything turns out well and that they recover quickly. I am very eager to discuss all issues related to sustainable tourism and how our islands, including Rhodes, can offer a high-quality tourist product with resilience. We must ensure that we do not overstrain natural and social resources, which we refer to as ‘carrying capacity,’ to measure and assess how much pressure we can handle and how we can extend the tourist season, improve its quality, and strengthen our infrastructure. This is a priority on all the islands I visit, including Rhodes, especially concerning health, hospitals, and health infrastructure.”

Harris Doukas emphasized that public free healthcare for all is a necessary condition in his program, stating that the situation is dramatic. He highlighted the severe shortages in hospitals, particularly in anesthesiologists and key specialties, and stressed that the country has received 60 billion euros for the pandemic and the energy crisis, but these funds do not seem to be used effectively. He mentioned that over 30 billion euros have been allocated for health issues and that immediate action is needed to requisition doctors, while the remaining funds for energy result in excessively high bills for consumers. He criticized the fact that large-scale funding from Europe is not being properly utilized, leading to excessive profits for a few and minimal benefits for the rest of the population.

“The issue of high prices, which I call profiteering, is a very critical one that affects all of us,” Mr. Doukas noted, pointing out that fuel prices and ticket costs are explosive and prevent the island from thriving. He described the situation as “cartelization,” which hampers both the island and the country’s economy.

Mr. Doukas concluded by saying that the ballot on October 6th has national significance and called for the support of all progressives and democrats to help create a major democratic party that will represent the social majority, address their needs, and solve contemporary problems, to achieve progressive governance for the next day. He emphasized the importance of the islands and expressed his pleasure in discussing the most critical issues that require immediate resolution with the residents.

The post Doukas from Rhodes: “Let’s Rebuild the Great Progressive Bloc” appeared first on ProtoThema English.

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