SYRIZA: Spirtzis Challenges Leadership – “Kasselakis Pre-determined My Expulsion”

Christos Spirtzis, in his letter to the SYRIZA-PS Ethics Committee, refers to the party’s ethics regulations, specifically to the second part of the Code of Conduct, which outlines the rules regarding complaints to the committee. According to the regulations, any complaint must be written and signed, with the details of the case and evidence provided, such as documents or witness lists.

Spirtzis finds it paradoxical that while he’s being asked to respond to a complaint, the 70 members who made the complaint have not been summoned to testify, and thus, neither he nor the committee has been able to review their testimonies. He points out that the complaint should not have been accepted in the first place, as the party’s code does not permit complaints from members operating as factions.

He accuses the 70 members of forming a faction and suggests that they should be called to provide explanations for their actions, especially since many of them hold positions within the Central Committee and local organizations. Spirtzis highlights several violations of the code of conduct, including the exploitation of authority for personal gain, disrespecting the dignity of party members, and a lack of transparency and collective behavior.

Spirtzis also questions the legitimacy of some of the 70 members, claiming that at least two of them are not officially registered members. He emphasizes the importance of investigating whether the members are indeed registered and whether their enrollment aligns with the date of the complaint, pointing to irregularities in past party elections.

He expresses frustration with the committee, calling their actions offensive and accusing them of making a predetermined decision regarding his fate within the party. He criticizes the party’s spokesperson, Voula Kechagia, for publicly announcing that the Ethics Committee’s decision would be reviewed by the Central Committee, implying that his suspension or expulsion was already decided.

In conclusion, Spirtzis requests the committee to provide him with the necessary information regarding the complaint, so he can formally respond by September 2, 2024. He also highlights the significance of September 3, a day of celebration for many SYRIZA-PS members, commemorating the founding of a patriotic and progressive movement by Andreas Papandreou.

The post SYRIZA: Spirtzis Challenges Leadership – “Kasselakis Pre-determined My Expulsion” appeared first on ProtoThema English.

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