Ukrainian Support for Peace Talks Rises After Counteroffensive Setbacks

Recent opinion polls in Ukraine indicate a growing willingness among some citizens to consider peace talks with Russia following the setbacks of last year's counteroffensive. However, a significant portion of the population, particularly those in the military, remains firmly opposed to any negotiations. The Wall Street Journal reports that despite increasing public support for talks, most Ukrainians still favor continuing the fight to reclaim all territories occupied by Russia.

Among the most resistant to negotiations are veterans and active-duty military personnel. A recent survey revealed that only 18 percent of this group supports seeking a negotiated settlement, the lowest among any demographic surveyed. Furthermore, 15 percent of soldiers and veterans have expressed a willingness to join armed protests against any peace treaty they find unacceptable.

Andriy Biletsky, commander of the Third Assault Brigade, acknowledged the growing war fatigue among the populace but emphasized that Ukraine has not suffered a military catastrophe. He warned that a hastily concluded peace could lead to a situation where Russia rearms and resumes aggression. Many military officials fear that agreeing to a peace deal might not only fail to secure lasting stability but could also render the sacrifices of their fallen comrades meaningless.

Veteran Ivan Panchenko, 42, voiced strong opposition to any territorial concessions, stating that past Russian violations of international treaties render any agreement with them unreliable. He believes that inflicting maximum pain on Russia is essential for achieving a lasting peace.

Conversely, public sentiment is shifting, with many, especially younger Ukrainians, open to accepting even unfavorable terms if it means...

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