SYRIZA: The Central Committee is underway – Live developments

Theocharopoulos: After the Motion of No Confidence Passed, the Situation Worsened Due to the Ousted President

Thanasis Theocharopoulos delivered harsh criticism of Stefanos Kasselakis during his speech at the Central Committee, stating that after the motion of no confidence was passed, “the situation has worsened because of the ousted president.”

“In the previous session, the motion of no confidence was passed, and thus, it is now a collective decision that Stefanos Kasselakis is ousted due to his statements about ‘black funds,’ his continuous creation of internal enemies, targeting of party members, the division of the party and parliamentary group, the purges, his proposals to liquidate the party, and the production of internal conflict and gossip. This is now the position of our party,” Mr. Theocharopoulos noted.

“Since the motion of no confidence was passed, the situation has worsened because of the ousted president: hooded figures, deviation, coup plotters, targeting of members, and new character assassinations,” he emphasized.

Mr. Theocharopoulos asked the Central Committee to decide that offensive references against the character of party members and officials, especially regarding collective decisions of the party bodies, such as terms like “hooded figures,” “coup plotters,” and “deviations,” as well as behaviors and actions that target MPs and members, are completely condemnable and have no place in the Left.

According to Mr. Theocharopoulos, only the Kasselakis faction has requested an increase in the number of signatures each candidate must gather to 50.

“The motion of no confidence was submitted because Kasselakis refused to go to the party base. The motion passed, and now we will go to the base.”

Finally, he stressed that the goal must be to strengthen SYRIZA – Progressive Alliance again so that it can play a decisive role in reorganizing the progressive space, aiming to counter the dangerous government of Mitsotakis for society,” Mr. Theocharopoulos concluded.

Ragousis: A Political Congress Must Take Place Before the Presidential Election

Giannis Ragousis emphasized the need for a political congress before the presidential election during his speech, warning that “otherwise, political division and internal strife will continue even after the election of the President. And thus, the downward spiral will persist.”

Mr. Ragousis stated that passing the motion of no confidence means going back to the party base, not a coup. Such claims of a coup or deviation would have merit only if, after the motion, the former President were replaced by someone else from the Central Committee. “But that did not happen. Elections from the base have been called,” he said.

On the contrary, he argued, the rhetoric of a “coup” constitutes a de facto split of the main opposition party by those using it.

Arguing for the need for a political congress before the presidential election, Mr. Ragousis noted that national elections will take place in 2.5 years, so there is plenty of time for reconstruction.

However, since whoever is elected as the new President will not be Alexis Tsipras, political decisions on major issues must be made before the new President is elected. Otherwise, political division and internal strife will persist even after the election of the President, and the downward spiral will continue.

“We will face much more turbulence after the presidential election if we do not have decisions from a congress,” he concluded.

Georgopoulos: Kasselakis asked me for a plan to sell the Koumoundourou building
The former financial director of SYRIZA claimed that Stefanos Kasselakis requested a plan for the sale of the Koumoundourou building and spoke about a plan to convert the party into a private company (IKE). At the same time, he mentioned that Mr. Kasselakis has repeatedly shown members of the Political Secretariat the exit door.

Theodora Tzakri announces lawsuit against Ragousis
SYRIZA MP Theodora Tzakri announced her intention to file a lawsuit against Yiannis Ragousis, speaking on MEGA on Saturday morning.

“On Monday, I will file a lawsuit against him,” she said, just hours before the crucial Central Committee meeting of the party, which, amidst a tense atmosphere, will finalize the roadmap for a conference and elections, as well as the criteria for candidacies.

SYRIZA’s Central Committee meets amidst accusations and heavy insinuations
Today, the Central Committee of SYRIZA Progressive Alliance is meeting amidst mutual accusations, sharp jabs, and insinuations flying from all sides, while the trench warfare between the “Kasselistas” and the “Tsipras guard” continues.

The post SYRIZA: The Central Committee is underway – Live developments appeared first on ProtoThema English.

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