Giannis Ragousis

SYRIZA: The Central Committee ‘s Developments

Theocharopoulos: After the Motion of No Confidence Passed, the Situation Worsened Due to the Ousted President

Thanasis Theocharopoulos delivered harsh criticism of Stefanos Kasselakis during his speech at the Central Committee, stating that after the motion of no confidence was passed, “the situation has worsened because of the ousted president.”

Stefanos Kasselakis: “I will do everything to prove worthy of the members’ trust,” he told SYRIZA MPs

A quote from Stefanos Kasselakis seems to “lock in” his candidacy for the leadership of SYRIZA, judging by how he addressed party MPs in their latest conversation.

Specifically, Mr. Kasselakis, speaking via Skype, said: “I will do everything to prove worthy of your trust and that of all SYRIZA members who are concerned about the party’s future.”