MP blasts police violence in Koukaki raid as ELAS admits using rubber projectiles

A lawmaker with Greece's main opposition party on Thursday slammed the excessive police violence during a raid in the Athenian district of Koukaki on Wednesday morning and claimed that a woman was shot in close range by a plastic bullet.

During the raid, a father and his two sons were arrested and then taken to hospital from police custody. No details have been released regarding the injuries of the three family members sustained during their arrest, which has sparked accusations of police brutality.

The man, identified as a well-known filmmaker, and his two sons (a university student and a lawyer in training) were allegedly beaten by police officers who forced their way into their home without a warrant while trying to evacuate an adjacent squat on Koukaki's Matrozou Street, according to reports.

Speaking in Parliament, Giannis Ragousis said two medical...

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