
Prosecutor rejects criticism over ‘lenient’ charges for Koukaki anarchists

The head of Athens' Proseutors office Evangelos Ioannidis on Tuesday pushed back against accusations that the misdemeanor charges filed against twenty people arrested last Saturday in an operation to remove anarchists from two squats in central Athens were too lenient.

20 arrested in squat evacuation to be tried Monday

Twenty people arrested in Saturday's operations to remove people from two squats in central Athens will be tried Monday on various charges, all misdemeanors.

The charges include disturbance of the peace, attempt to inflict serious bodily damage, serious damage of property and violence against police.

Six police officers were injured during the operation.

New police raids to empty squats reclaimed by anarchists

A police operation was underway on Saturday to remove anarchists from two recently evacuated squats in the district of Koukaki in central Athens.

The buildings on 45 Matrozou and 21 Panetolikou Streets had been cleared by riot police in a sweeping operation on December 18 last year, but anarchists returned on Saturday afternoon, according to media reports.

Koukaki squatters say police targeted ‘random individuals’ in raid

The events that transpired during a riot police raid in the district of Koukaki on Wednesday morning to clear a squat were further blurred on Thursday after people claiming to be the occupants of the building targeted said the family members who were eventually arrested had nothing to do with their squat.