Smart road safety system across Attica

File photo. [InTime News]

The government is preparing to implement a radically revamped road safety system, featuring a comprehensive network of smart surveillance cameras across key locations in the Attica region, with the aim of enhancing traffic law enforcement.

The plan, foreshadowed by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the recent Thessaloniki trade fair, will not only monitor speed limits but also detect other violations of the Highway Code (KOK), such as failure to wear helmets or seatbelts and the use of mobile phones while driving.

The initiative, based on input from the ministries of Citizen Protection and Digital Governance, is built on two key pillars. The first involves the creation of a centralized information system to unify the recording of traffic fines from various sources. These include cameras installed at approximately 1,000 strategic locations across Attica based on...

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