Favorable terms for private universities

[Intime News]

The government is offering more favorable terms to entice renowned foreign universities such as Stanford, Harvard, Yale, UCL, ETH Zurich and others to establish branches in Greece.

International Institutions will be allowed to establish at least one school, with at least one degree program, as long as the parent institution occupies one of the top 20 positions in the international university rankings, according to the first two ministerial decisions on the licensing of non-state institutions of higher education.

The deadline for applications is January 2 to March 1. The minimum cost to issue a license is 2,600,000 euros in Attica and Thessaloniki and €1,300,000 for the rest of the country. So far, only two Cypriot institutions have expressed their desire to establish a branch in Greece.

The question is how many of the 33 Greek private colleges will be able to...

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