Androulakis’ last chance

[Yiannis Liakos/InTime News]

Nikos Androulakis may have been triumphantly re-elected to the helm of PASOK last Sunday, but the reasons that led to his leadership being challenged in the first place have not been resolved. The socialist party came third in the double elections of 2023 and in the recent European Parliament elections because it failed to convince voters that it constitutes a credible alternative to governing New Democracy. 

Citizens don't trust it because its rhetoric is stale, its anti-right-wing reflexes hark back to the 1980s and the days of Andreas Papandreou, and because it appears to be flirting with a completely obsolete Left that nearly crashed the country against the rocks.

Citizens don't trust it because Androulakis' leadership proved to be unassertive, introverted and incapable of taking bold decisions, or even not-so-bold decisions like voting in favor of legislation...

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