AI ushering revolution in education

[Juan Bernabeu/The New York Times]

Artificial intelligence is rapidly reshaping Greek education, with both teachers and students in high schools using popular AI applications and tools to streamline tasks.

From answering questions to organizing exams and summarizing texts, AI has become an essential tool in classrooms across Greece.

The Education Ministry is considering introducing personalized digital assistants for each student, although many educators stress that teachers will always remain central to the learning process.

"The teacher will always be at the center, but the school of the future will be organized through a computer screen," says Zoe Gavriilidou, a professor of linguistics at the Democritus University of Thrace.

Since the release of OpenAI's ChatGPT in November 2022, Greek students have eagerly embraced AI. A recent study by Focus Bari revealed that the number of Greeks...

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