New Democracy’s lead over PASOK narrows to 7.6 points

[Dimosthenis Kamsis]

A poll released on Friday revealed that the ruling New Democracy (ND)'s lead over PASOK has narrowed to 7.6 points.

The MRB survey for OPEN TV shows New Democracy leading with 21.7%, followed by PASOK at 14.1%. The nationalist Greek Solution party holds third place with 8.5%, while the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) follows closely with 7.5%. SYRIZA ranks fifth with 6.4%.

Furthermore, when asked whom they perceive as the leader of the opposition, over one in four respondents named PASOK leader Nikos Androulakis, at 26.3%. Androulakis leads by a significant margin over Kyriakos Velopoulos of Greek Solution, who came in second at 12%. Former SYRIZA leader Stefanos Kasselakis ranked fifth, with only 5.8%.

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