News archive of January 2017
First day at school for refugee kids
Students, parents, teachers and neighbors gathered at the 15th Elementary School of Nikaia near Piraeus on Tuesday to welcome 38 children from a nearby refugee and migrant camp on their first day of classes. According to reports, the children were applauded and given balloons as they entered the school grounds.
Makis Ablianitis | Athens | February 1 & 2
World music composer and guitarist Makis Ablianitis, whose work is a blend of emotive folk sounds and jazz, will perform pieces from his latest album, "Uranos," at the Half Note Jazz Club on Wednesday, February 1, and Thursday, February 2. Pantelis Thalassinos and Vangelis Germanos will join him on vocals.
Kyklos Ensemble | Athens | February 1
The respected Kyklos Ensemble will perform works by Alexander Borodin, Sergei Rachmaninov and Sergei Prokofiev in a concert titled "A la Russe," at the Athens Concert Hall on Wednesday, February 1. The show starts at 8.30 p.m. Tickets, which cost 10 to 15 euros (4 euros reduced), can be purchased at the concert hall, as well as at its box office (8 Omirou).
Mother ‘told to prove lactation’ at Frankfurt airport
A woman has filed a complaint with German police alleging she was told to squeeze her breast at airport security to prove she was lactating.
Gayathiri Bose told the BBC she was “humiliated” by the experience and would explore formal legal action.
She said police at Frankfurt Airport were suspicious because she was carrying a breast pump but travelling without her baby.