News archive of December 2021

Ασφάλιση: Μεταφέρεται το συμβόλαιο στο εξωτερικό

Δεν είναι λίγοι εκείνοι που προτού ετοιμάσουν τις βαλίτσες τους για τη δική τους γη της Επαγγελίας, πρέπει να διευθετήσουν το τρέχον συμβόλαιο υγείας ή να βρουν αλλού μια λύση για να είναι προστατευμένοι κατά τη μακρά ή μόνιμη παραμονή τους σε νέα χώρα. Τι επιλογές έχουν;

Večer sees migrants as chips in political poker

Ljubljana – Večer says in Monday’s commentary that migrants have become chips in political poker in Europe, and that solidarity enshrined in the founding treaties of the EU apparently only applies to solidarity between member states, and not outwardly.

EUR 3.8m in grants for Novo Mesto nursing hospital

Ljubljana – The Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy has approved EUR 3.8 million in EU grants for the Novo Mesto general hospital to set up a nursing hospital. As part of the project the hospital will also acquire 44 new beds for Covid-19 patients.

Number of new coronavirus cases lowest since mid-October

Ljubljana – The number of new coronavirus cases continues to drop in Slovenia, with 677 new cases detected on Sunday, the lowest daily count since mid-October. The National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) estimates there are about 22,100 active cases in the country. Government data show that a further 16 Covid-19 patients died yesterday.

Audit finds public pharmacies in breach of procurement law

Ljubljana – The Court of Audit has examined drug procurement practices in three public pharmacy chains to find that medicine procurement in the country is still in disarray and public pharmacies keep flouting public procurement rules.

The court issued an adverse opinion to Pomurske Lekarne, Lekarna Velenje and Lekarna Sevnica after examining their drug purchasing practices in 2020.

Coalition, opposition clash over nominations for RTV Slovenija

Ljubljana – The Credentials and Privileges Commission proposed that the National Assembly appoint to the programme council and supervisory board of public broadcaster RTV Slovenija five candidates each who had been proposed by the coalition, the Pensioners’ Party (DeSUS) and the opposition National Party (SNS) much to the chagrin of the centre-left opposition.

Surgeon opposing hospital’s Covid bed plans to return to work

Šempeter pri Gorici – Danijel Bešič Loredan, the head of the Nova Gorica general hospital’s orthopaedic ward, who had been banned from work due to his opposition to the hospital’s Covid reorganisation plans, is to return to work on Tuesday. The management has decided he will only receive a written warning.
