News archive of February 2024

Estonian PM Supports Considering Ground Troops in Ukraine Amid Macron's Remarks

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas has joined the debate over the possibility of sending ground troops to Ukraine, stating that Western leaders should not dismiss the option. Kallas' comments come in the wake of French President Emmanuel Macron's recent controversial suggestion, which sparked widespread discussion among allied governments.

Declaration of support for Ukraine adopted in Tirana

The Declaration expresses support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders since 1991.

Former Bulgarian Swimmer Arrested in UK on Espionage Charges for Russia

Another Bulgarian national has been apprehended in the United Kingdom on allegations of espionage for Russia. The court in London has determined that 38-year-old Tihomir Ivanchev will remain in custody indefinitely, joining five other compatriots who have been detained for espionage-related offenses for over a year.

Journalists Demand Unrestricted Access to Gaza for Foreign Media

A coalition of over 50 journalists, primarily representing British media outlets, has issued an open plea to both Israel and Egypt, advocating for unrestricted entry to Gaza for foreign journalists. The signatories include well-known figures such as Jeremy Bowen and Mishal Husain from the BBC.

Greece marks anniversary of its deadliest train crash

Relatives of the 57 victims of Greece's deadliest train crash attended a memorial service to mark the anniversary, in Tempe, central Greece on Wednesday. Relatives left flowers at the fence alongside the tracks where the collision occurred, with the names and photos of the victims.

Bulgaria's Political Future Hangs in Balance: Borissov Signals Agreement or Elections

In a decisive move that could shape Bulgaria's political landscape, GERB leader Boyko Borissov has outlined a pivotal timeline for the country's next steps. Borissov revealed that a coalition agreement, prepared by GERB, is set to be unveiled to the party members on March 5, followed by its presentation to "We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria" (WCC-DB) the next day.

POS situation needs extension

The Finance Ministry and the tax administration (AADE) are focusing on the extension of the deadline for the interconnection of cash registers with card terminals (POS), with the aim that upon full operation of the new process of issuing receipts - for payment by cards - everything will work perfectly without technical problems.

Cars torched in central Athens 

Five parked cars and several garbage bins were torched in the central Athenian neighbourhood of Exarcheia on Thursday morning, police said.

The first car was located at the junction of 3rd Septemvriou and Trikorfon Streets, another three burned on Zaimi and Alexandras Streets and a fifth was on Solomou Street. It was not clear who was behind the attacks. 
