News archive of September 2024

Pulse Poll: ND at 30%, PASOK at 16%, SYRIZA at 12.5% in voting estimate

A Pulse poll presented on Skai’s main news bulletin showed that ND (New Democracy) has returned to higher levels compared to the European elections, with an estimated vote share of 30%. PASOK comes in second with 16%—3.2 points higher than in the European elections—and SYRIZA is third with an estimated vote share of 12.5%, losing nearly 2.5 points compared to June’s European elections.

Ministry of Culture organizes an exhibition on the women of the ancient Cycladic civilization

What were the roles of women during the ancient Cycladic era? What was their position in society, how did they behave, and how did their role evolve over time? Answers to these fascinating questions are provided by the exhibition titled “Cycladic Women: Unknown Stories of Women from the Cyclades”, organized by the Ministry of Culture.

Foreigners buy bigger homes

Property buyers from abroad are this year opting for larger and more expensive holiday homes in Greece, as shown by the relevant data by the Elxis - At Home estate agency.

The average value of homes sold this year is 378,500 euros, being 27.8% higher than in 2023, and 44% higher than in 2022, when the properties being bought were of an average value of €263,000.

Starsailor | Thessaloniki & Athens | October 31 – November 1

The English pop-rock band Starsailor is set to perform live in Greece, with two upcoming shows: one at Mylos Club in Thessaloniki (56 Georgiou Andreou) on October 31, followed by a concert at Gazarte in Athens (34 Voutadon) on November 1.

Prague: Train runs a red light and collides with stationary train – At least 35 injured

At least 35 people were injured, most of them lightly, when two passenger trains collided on the morning of Wednesday (September 18) in Prague.

“A train ran a red signal and collided with a stationary train,” said Dusan Gavenda, a spokesperson for the Czech railway infrastructure company Správa železnic, to Agence France-Presse.

Gauguin & Cezanne | Athens | November 2 – January

Two paintings from the National Gallery in London, "Landscape with Poplars" by Paul Cezanne and "Still Life with Vase" by Paul Gauguin, will go on display on the first floor of the Basil & Elise Goulandris Foundation Museum in Athens (13 Eratosthenous) on November 2 until January 2025.

Council of State says no to AADE

The Council of State has rejected on a technicality the extension of the statute of limitations from five to 10 years, as the tax administration had desired, which means that even if new information arises about any tax evasion six years ago it may not be utilized for many cases.

Milojevic: We will take on Benfica with brave attitude

BELGRADE - Speaking to reporters ahead of Thursday's UEFA Champions League clash with Portuguese football giants Benfica, Red Star Belgrade head coach Vladan Milojevic said he was proud his club was competing against the best European teams.

Lebanon: Nine dead after new explosions, over 300 injured – Walkie-talkies exploded

A new wave of attacks has begun in the Middle East, with new explosions, this time involving walkie-talkies, reported in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, and its southern suburbs. Many sources indicate that the Mossad is behind the attack. As reported, nine people are dead and over 300 are injured, many with injuries to their arms and stomachs.
