

The revocation of the concession of the property to the Association of Greek Archaeologists is legal

“The Office of the Legal Adviser of the Ministry of Culture has forwarded the full text of the 761/2024 decision of the Council of State, which confirmed the revocation of the concession – on behalf of the Ministry of Culture – to the Association of Greek Archaeologists (S.E.A.), of the property of 134-136 Ermou Street, which has been classified as a “work of art” and is a declared newer monume

Legality of the Revocation of the Property Grant to the Greek Archaeologists’ Association

From the Legal Advisor’s Office of the Ministry of Culture, the full text of the 761/2024 decision by the Council of State has been transmitted, which confirmed the revocation of the grant – by the Ministry of Culture (ΥΠΠΟ) – to the Greek Archaeologists’ Association (Σ.Ε.Α.) for the property at Ermou 134-136, which is classified as a “work of art” and is a declared modern monument.

Brave Frenchman Saved Bus with Tourists from Falling into an Abyss

A 65-year-old French tourist rescued 22 people from a bus in the Austrian Alps by crashing the brake a second before flying into a 100-meter abyss, Figaro said.

The driver lost consciousness, and the first-seated tourist named just by his first name, Gilbert, reacted instantly to stop the bus, breaking his tibia with the sharp movement of his leg.