
Evros Prefecture

Report details corruption in security forces

Corruption cases involving public officials abound and are on the rise. Security officers at Piraeus Port arrested for trafficking in cocaine; border guards in the northeastern city of Orestiada involved in human trafficking; customs officials taking part in a contraband fuel scheme; a prison guard caught trying to smuggle hashish into Korydallos Prison.

Five Greek police officers in custody pending trial for assisting illegal migrant crossings

Five police officers accused of cooperating with human traffickers to facilitate the entry of at least 100 migrants into Greece are being held in custody pending trial.

The five officers had been testifying before an examining magistrate since Saturday morning at the border town of Orestiada, in northeastern Greece.

39 migrants abandoned on Evros islet are rescued

Greek authorities on Wednesday rescued a group of 39 migrants who had been abandoned by smugglers on an islet in the river that runs along the country's land border with Turkey, police said.

A police statement said the 13 men, 11 women and 15 children had been ferried across in a plastic boat from the Turkish side of the Evros river.

PM says will not compromise on national security issues, challenges leftist opposition

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis pledged that a new conservative government will not compromise on matters of national security, while challenging the leader of Greece's leftist opposition, Alexis Tsipras, to clearly state whether he would continue the construction of the fence along the Greek-Turkish border or dismantle it if elected.

Complaints filed over pushback claims at Evros border

The Greek Council for Refugees has filed a complaint with the Supreme Court in Athens over claims of violent pushbacks at the northeastern Evros border with Turkey.

In an announcement on Wednesday, the GCR said that its complaint includes a file of evidence supporting the claims of several migrants and asylum seekers who said they were forced back over the border into Turkey.
