Drama: Netflix production begins filming at Volakas Quarries with Vincent Cassel, Chris Evans, Anya Taylor-Joy, and Salma Hayek
A new action film focused on climate change is set to start filming today at the marble quarries of Volakas in Drama, Greece. The film features a star-studded cast including Vincent Cassel, Chris Evans, Anya Taylor-Joy, Salma Hayek, and Sam Richardson. Directed by Romain Gavras, with a script co-written by Gavras and Will Arbery, the film is being produced for Netflix.
Greece: 44 fires since yesterday across the country, 33 were dealt with immediately – Two arrests in Fthiotida
From yesterday afternoon at 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. today, 44 fires have occurred, of which 33 were immediately treated at their initial stage, while firefighters are treating 11 more.
Volunteer doctors reaching out to remote communities
As part of the Umbrella campaign to reach remote communities, pediatricians volunteered to travel to remote municipalities around Greece to vaccinate children and inform parents.