
OpenCalais Metadata: Ticker


Zaytung, 5G and the 'New' Turkey

The title of this article should have been "Zaytung and 5G or you can surf the net faster as long as you behave as I want you to." President Tayyip Erdo?an spoke about Turkey's mobile network at an event earlier this week. He said Turkey is on 3G, whereas many countries have already begun installing 5G and LTE networks.

Turks spend $13.3 billion on telecommunications

Turks spent more than 35.5 billion Turkish Liras ($13.3 billion) on telecommunications last year, up from 32.2 billion liras ($12.2 billion) in 2013, according to a report released by the Information and Communications Technologies Authority (BTK) on March 27.

Over 80 percent of the amount spent went on Turkey's top four telecommunication companies, the report stated.
