Christos Stylianides

Lessons from the Ebola outbreak

Around five years ago, Ebola was regarded as a potential threat to global health, yet even though the lethal virus claimed nearly 12,000 lives, it was restricted mainly to West Africa, where it started. One of the reasons why it did not spread beyond that part of the world was the coordinated efforts of European and American politicians and scientists.

Greece orders financial probe of refugee NGO

Greek judicial authorities have ordered an investigation into allegations that staff at a European Union-funded NGO sexually exploited refugees and misused money intended for their welfare.

Immigration Minister Ioannis Mouzalas on Monday handed Supreme Court prosecutor Xeni Dimitriou a letter from the EU's top humanitarian aid official outlining the allegations.

Turkey, EU work to speed up flow of European funds for Syrian refugees

Turkey and the European Commission have begun technical work to overcome bureaucratic obstacles and accelerate the release of 3 billion Euros to Syrian refugees, Deputy Prime Minister Veysi Kaynak announced Dec. 26.

"We are now working on it," Kaynak told the Hürriyet Daily News during a visit to the Doğan Media Center on Dec. 26.