European Migration

Avramopoulos's office issues clarification on role of officer tied to gold trading racket

The political office of European Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos on Friday issued a statement clarifying that a police officer who has been implicated in an illegal gold trading racket was only briefly employed by the commissioner and released immediately after his implication emerged.

Plan to transfer thousands of migrants in works

Greek authorities are planning the transfer of thousands of migrants from overcrowded facilities on the Aegean islands to centers on the mainland, sources said on Wednesday as Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras held talks with visiting European Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos about a new burgeoning refugee crisis. 

EU to Give Turkey More Funding to Extend Migrant Dea

Notwithstanding a rise in tensions between Brussels and Ankara - recently exacerbated by Turkey's increasingly aggressive stance toward Greece and Cyprus - the European Commission will be approving an additional 3 billion euros in funding for Syrian refugees living in Turkey, EU officials said on Wednesday, Ekathimerini reported.

Avramopoulos 'determined to seek vindication'

Hours after Parliament voted to investigate politicians, including former prime ministers, over allegations of bribery by the Swiss drugmaker Novartis, European Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos, who was Greek health minister from 2006 to 2009, on Thursday accused the SYRIZA-led government of engineering a politically-motivated campaign to smear the reputation of its rivals.

Avramopoulos tells Skai he's open to Novartis probe, 'justice will speak'

In an exclusive interview with Skai's Istories (Stories) program that aired late on Tuesday night, European Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos, one of 10 Greek politicians alleged to have accepted bribes from the Swiss drug manufacturer Novartis, said he had nothing to hide and was open to being investigated so that the affair can be resolved.
