International Organization for Migration

Danger from Sudan: Biological Weapon, Measles and Cholera Laboratory has been Taken Over

There is a high biohazard in the Sudanese capital Khartoum after one of the warring sides seized a laboratory that stored measles and cholera pathogens and other dangerous materials, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned today.

Migrants, Refugees Spurn Return to Torched Camp in Bosnia

After locals in the town of Bihac in northwest Bosnia protested against plans to relocate migrants and refugees from the torched Lipa camp to the Bira centre, inside the town, Bosnia ordered its armed forces to set up new tents in the Lipa camp where the migrants can stay until the winter adaptation of the camp is completed.

Bosnia to Return Migrants to Bihac Despite Opposition

About 1,000 migrants and refugees who have lingered at the site of the burned camp will now over-winter in what was formerly the largest migrant centre in Bosnia.

The decision concludes a several-day search for solutions to the emergency situation that arose after migrants torched the Lipa camp as it was about to close.

December 18: World Marks Migrants Day Themed Reimagining Human Mobility

International Migrants Day is a global event observed on December 18. The day recognizes the importance of protecting the rights and dignity of migrants around the world. Throughout history, humans have migrated from place to place in search of a better life and a promise of the future. The migrants arrive at new places and enrich the existing communities.

Kranidi migrant facility again in lockdown after new Covid-19 cases

An accommodation facility in the town of Kranidi, in southern Greece, was placed in lockdown for two weeks on Tuesday after three more migrants tested positive for the novel coronavirus, Greek health authorities said Tuesday.

The only people who will be allowed in the hotel are its employees, healthcare professionals and police and military officials.

150 people test positive for Covid-19 at Kranidi refugee facility

A total of 150 people in an accommodation facility in the town of Kranidi, in southern Greece, have tested positive for the new coronavirus, Deputy Civil Protection Minister Nikos Hardalias told jousnalists after visiting the site on Tuesday.

Hardalias said 148 of these are refugees, one is an employee, and one is an aid worker. All patients are asymptomatic, he said.
