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Serbian Patriarch Porfirije begins visit to Kosovo-Metohija

MERDARE - Patriarch Porfirije of the Serbian Orthodox Church on Wednesday began a visit to Kosovo-Metohija, where he will celebrate Christmas with Serbs living in the province.

Accompanied by a delegation of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the patriarch will first visit the Patriarchate of Pec and then also Visoki Decani, Gracanica and other monasteries.

Kosovo Charges Two Company Officials Over Water Poisoning Case

The Peja/Pec Basic Prosecution charged two officials of the Kosovo water supply company Hidrodrini in Peja/Pec, related to water poisoning in Decan/Decani in July 2021.

Prosecutor Dorjan Juniku confirmed on Monday that they were charged with involvement in the poisoning of around 1,500 people in the Decan/Decani area.

Shooting near Decani: Two students and a driver were killed in the attack on the bus

Hospital in Pec confirmed for Klan Kosova that two students and a bus driver were killed in the shooting.
The hospital said that the number of injured is unknown, writes Kosovo online but that the ambulance is bringing them from Decani to Pec.
The police have not yet confirmed these allegations, but in the first report, they told the media that two people were injured.

Kosovo Citizen Arrested for Usury After BIRN Contacted Prosecutors

Kosovo police have arrested a man named as Driton Podrimqaku after a citizen from the western Kosovo town of Peja/ Pec reported to BIRN about being the victim of usury - defined in Kosovo law as taking advantage of a person's economic circumstances to extract disproportionate services or rates of interest on loans.