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Carrie Fisher once sent a cow tongue to a sexually inappropriate Hollywood producer

Even after her death Carrie Fisher is having none of your bullshit.

Heather Ross, a friend of Fisher’s, spoke to a local radio station in Tucson, AZ. about her experience with sexual assault in Hollywood. On the 94.9 Morning Mix, Ross recalled inappropriate advances from a big name producer and how Fisher made clear she had a zero-tolerance policy for that kind of behavior.

Top 10 companies by reputation in the world (photos)

“Our reputation is more important than the last hundred million dollars”, media mogul Rupert Murdoch once said. In the business world the most important asset a company has is arguably its reputation. So which are the companies that enjoy the best reputations on a global scale? According to Reputation Institute’s annual rankings, Rolex has got the best brand name in the world.

Child slaves used in cobalt mines for smart-phones (shocking video)

Apple has announced that it will temporarily suspend buying hand-mined cobalt in the Democratic Republic of Congo, less than a week after the publication of a Sky News investigation chronicling brutal “slave conditions” and child labor in cobalt mines there. Cobalt is one of the most precious minerals in the world for the tech industry.
