

France hosts Sudan conference a year into 'forgotten' war

France is hosting an international conference on Sudan on Monday, exactly a year after war broke out in the northeast African country, leading to a humanitarian and political crisis.

France is seeking contributions from the international community, and attention to what officials say is a crisis crowded out of the global conversation by ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza.

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Chaos grips Chad's capital, N'Djamena, as reports surface of an attempted coup d'état, with conflicting accounts of clashes between government forces and dissidents. According to sources cited by "Tchad One," armed soldiers allegedly moved towards the presidential palace in a bid to seize control, triggering violent confrontations.

Tensions rise between Sudan army and United Arab Emirates

For months, Sudan's army kept silent amid alleged Emirati interference in the country's civil war, but its anger has finally boiled over, leading to harsh exchanges between Khartoum and Abu Dhabi.

The brutal conflict broke out in mid-April between the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), killing more than 12,000 people and displacing millions.
