Latest News from Albania

Albania Oil Company to Electrify Its Wells

The Canadian company said on Tuesday that other projects in the coming year will include flow-lines, sour treatment facilities, gas gathering and additional cascade systems.

In 2013, the company invested $234 million in its oil fields in Albania, registering revenues of $561 million.

Ramadani Urges Albanians to Avoid Syria War

“Those who have sacrificed their lives, whether in Kosovo, Syria or in another country, for good causes, for freedom and democracy, may Allah bless them and I would like to send my deepest condolences to their families,” Ramadani told the news portal Presheva Jone.

Albania Registers Slight Upturn in Late 2013

Albania's economy grew by a modest 1.1 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2013, compared with the same period in 2012, the head of INSTAT, Gjergj Filipi, said.

Filipi said the sectors registering highest growth were industry, construction and trade, with the latter accounting for the lion's share.

Belgrade Gets Statue of Russia's Last Tsar

A new statue of the last tsar of Russia will be erected in Belgrade in the park on Kralja Milana street, near the Russian cultural centre, Ruski Dom.

The monument has been donated by Russia, which will also fund the renovation of the park in collaboration with several Russian companies.

Successful completion of regional police operation

DIMITROVGRAD - In a joint operation by police forces from seven regional countries, named "Nisava 2014", a large amount of foreign currency was seized as well as a so-called ATM skimmer - a fraud device used for stealing customer bank card data, chief of Serbia's border police Nenad Banovic said on Monday in Dimitrovgrad.

Couple convicted for murdering son in 2006

A Thessaloniki court on Monday convicted a couple for beating their 7-year-old son to death in 2006.

The northern city’s appeals court sentenced the victim’s mother to life in prison, while the father received 10 years.

Charges against the parents, who are from Albania, included homicide and grievous bodily harm.

Albanian Police Seize Drugs Bound for Italy

Police found the drugs stashed in a van parked on secluded beach. It is believed that speed boats were to be used to traffic the drugs to Italy.

Media reports said police have arrested one suspect and issued warrants for five others.   

The drugs are believed to have originated in the notoriously lawless village of Lazarat, a no-go zone for police.

Albania working to improve its military

Albania working to improve its military

Manpower and equipment upgrades are key challenges to improve the country's military capacity.

Albania Defence Minister Mimi Kodheli inspects a military command post during a training exercise. [Albania Ministry of Defence]

Vekaric: Special tribunal for KLA encourages victims

BELGRADE - The Serbian Office of the Prosecutor for War Crimes has welcomed the information by Tanjug that came from Brussels, which says that those from the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) indicted for the crimes listed in the report by Dick Marty will be tried in The Hague, and not in Pristina.

Balkans Rank Midway in Social Progress League

A new report rates Western Balkan countries midway in the world when it comes to quality of life and social progress.

The Social Progress Index 2014 Report rated a total of 132 countries using more than 50 indicators.

Amnesty Pans Greece’s Treatment of Migrants

At the end of March, police at Nigrita Prison, in northern Greece, reportedly beat to death Ilia Kareli, an Albanian inmate held in solitary confinement.

The autopsy revealed that he was extensively beaten on the soles of his feet and his chest, and had burns on his hands.

Serbia lowest-ranked in region on enabling trade index

Serbia lowest-ranked in region on enabling trade index

BELGRADE -- Serbia fell on the list of the Global Enabling Trade Report of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and is now 89th among 138 countries.

Two years ago, in the previous report, Serbia was 71st of 132 countries, the Beta news agency reported.

Merkel Hedges Bets on Albania’s EU Candidacy

Germany's leader has given a cautious thumbs-up to Albania's application to obtain EU candidate status, while declining to commit Germany one way or the other ahead of an important report.

“We treat countries on the EU path based on the reports coming from the European Commission,” Chancellor Merkel told a press conference in Berlin held with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama.

In Macedonia, an effort to stop corrupt police

In Macedonia, an effort to stop corrupt police

Three police officers face charges connected to a human trafficking investigation.

Macedonia is examining suspected cases involving legal infractions by members of the police force. [Miki Trajkovski/SETimes]
