Latest News from Albania

Rama Lobbies Merkel on Albania's EU Hopes

Rama will hold talks with German Chancellor Merkel in Berlin, the speaker of the German parliament and the head of the Christian Democratic Union’s parliamentary group.

Rama is also expected to meet the Deputy Chancellor and Economy Minister, Sigmar Garbiel.

Albania Greets EU Decision on Pre-Accession Funds

Albania’s EU Integration minister, Klajda Gjosha, described the decision as “testimony to an efficient public administration, which Brussels can back without equivocation.

“I also consider this also a clear message for the Albanian government to advance reforms in order to guarantee progress for its citizens,” she added.

Special court to be set up in The Hague after all

BRUSSELS – Those accused of organ harvesting and trafficking crimes that are the subject of a report by former Council of Europe rapporteur Dick Marty will be tried before a special court in The Hague and not in Pristina as sought by the Kosovo government, Tanjug has learned from diplomatic sources in Brussels.

Albania Promises Ex-Political Prisoners €13.1m

Albania's government has pledged to end the hold-ups in compensation payments that have angered former political prisoners in the country. “The problem is much bigger than our ability to resolve it immediately,” Prime Minister Rama said.

“We will try first to close the wounds of their moral mistreatment while proceeding with the material compensation,” he added.

Albania Migrants Lack Pensions, Report Warns

Many Albanians could be let without pensions because so many people have emigrated, a new report from the Ombudsman's office warns.

An estimated one-third of Albania’s 3.2 million population has emigrated in the last two decades, following the collapse of Tirana’s reclusive Communist regime, which did not allow travel abroad.

Tony Blair’s Albania Mission Fails to Take off

“We remain in contact [with the Albanian government] and Mr Blair would of course still be happy to help, as both Albania and the region mean a huge amount to him, but there is no contract,” Cirian Ward a spokesperson for Blair told Balkan Insight.

“Any help would be done at no cost to the Albanian government,” Ward added.

Ukraine crisis spurs Balkan countries to co-operate

Ukraine crisis spurs Balkan countries to co-operate

Regional countries sign agreements and plan joint projects to improve security and mutual trust.

Albania Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati and his Croatia counterpart Vesna Pusic sign a European Partnership agreement in Zagreb on March 21st. [Albania Ministry of Foreign Affairs]

Three Albanian Officials Accused of Hiding Wealth

Albania’s Inspectorate for the Audit of Assets and Conflict of Interests, ILDKPKI, has a filed a criminal complaint at the general prosecutor’s office against the country’s ambassador to Slovakia, Agim Isaku, and judges Ken Dhima and Klorinda Cela.

Montenegro Urged to Stop Gender-Selective Abortions

The Council of Europe's human rights commissioner Nils Muiznieks called on the Montenegrin authorities on Sunday to educate health professionals and adopt strict guidelines in order to prevent selective abortions.

According to the UN, some 100 girls are born for every 110 boys in Montenegro, while the usual ratio is 100 to 102-104.

Kosovo is our Jerusalem, minister tells Israeli daily

Kosovo is our Jerusalem, minister tells Israeli daily

JERUSALEM -- Aleksandar Vulin, minister in charge of Kosovo in Serbia's caretaker government, has said that Kosovo has both economic and strategic significance for Serbia.

But above all, he told the Jerusalem Post in an interview given ahead of last weekend's elections, it is "the soul of the Serb people."

New Cocaine Route Passes Through Bulgaria

A new cocaine route for Europe goes through Bulgaria said the National Addictions and Drugs Center. 

According to its director Momchil Vasilev, in the past two years through Bulgaria was established a new drug channel, which takes cocaine from South America via Western Africa through Greece and Bulgaria, for Western Europe. 

Turkey Arrests Albanians After 'Terror’ Attack

Turkey's state-run Anadolu News Agency reported on Friday that Interior Minister Efkan Ala had said two of the arrested "terrorists" were Albanian nationals, while the third was from Kosovo. 

The shoot-out in the central Turkish province of Nigde on Thursday left three people dead, including a soldier and a police officer.

Albania arrests alleged jihad recruiting group

Albania arrests alleged jihad recruiting group

Officials are trying to prevent imams and others from recruiting Muslims to fight in foreign conflicts.

Muslims arrive at a Tirana mosque whose imam, Genci Balla, and six others were arrested on charges of recruiting believers to join the Syria conflict. [AFP]

"Caretaker cabinet has no comment on EU sanctions"

"Caretaker cabinet has no comment on EU sanctions"

BELGRADE -- Serbia did not take a stand on EU's sanctions imposed against officials of the ousted authorities in Ukraine "because the government is in a technical mandate."

The caretaker government "cannot comment on such situations," the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Beta on Thursday.
