All News on Politics in Macedonia
Macedonia Plans Boost to Private Medical Tourism
Macedonia's parliament is expected to approve a government-proposed bill to establish tax-free health-care "zones" for foreigners.
The bill entered parliamentary procedure last week is likely to pass soon.
The bill will allow foreign - and domestic - healthcare companies to build hospitals in Macedonia exclusively for the use of foreign private patients.
Hungarian PM: EU Should Admit Bulgaria to Schengen to Halt Migrant Influx
According to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Bulgaria should be admitted to the Schengen Area in order for the EU to be able to deal more effectively with the ongoing refugee crisis.
Orban added in an interview for a public radio on Friday that the EU should establish a new frontier on the northern border of Greece in order to halt the migrant influx to Europe.
Albania, Kosovo Top German 2015 Asylum List
Albanians were the largest single national group seeking asylum in Germany after Syrians last year, according to a German ministry report.
Some 54,762 people from Albania sought asylum in Germany in 2015. Kosovars made up the next largest group, filing 37,095 requests. Citizens of Afghanistan and Iraq came fourth and fifth.
Macedonia Opposition Accused of Hatching 'Filthy' Plot
In a written statement on Wednesday, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski accused the opposition of involvement in an ID forgery scandal, aimed at undermining his government.
Gruevski who is in the centre of a massive illegal surveillance scandal, accused the opposition Social Democrats of plotting "forgeries, destruction, scenarios, set ups, conspiracies and filthy moves.
PM K. Karamanlis and wife vote in ND elections
Former Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis and his wife Natasha Pazaiti showed up to vote for the conservative main opposition New Democracy party elections at 9.30 a.m. on Sunday morning. They voted at the electoral center housed at the neoclassical building at the corner of Vas. Olgas and 25 Martiou streets.
Born to lead ND: all you need to know about 4 musketeers of the conservative party (pics)
Finally the time has arrived for the main opposition New Democracy (ND) party to choose its leader after all the pressure of failed national elections, the fiasco of a failed local election and a time of introspection as different party factions pull the party in all directions. Haven’t voted yet? Here’s a profile of the four candidates.