Turkey's highest glass terrace draws interest

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Turkey's highest glass observation terrace, which was established by the Directorate of Nature Conversation and National Park in the Hatila Valley National Park in the northern province of Artvin, is drawing great interest from visitors.  

The terrace, located on steep rocks 220 meters high in the S?k?ld?m Kayas? region, which is 15 kilometers away from the city center, opened nearly a month ago and became very popular, according to officials, who expect thousands of tourists to visit the terrace.  

The terrace is seven meters in length and 7.5 meters in width.  It has a glass measuring 50 square meters wide overlooking the Hatila Valley National Park. 

Although an official opening ceremony has not been held yet, the terrace hosts 500 people a day, according to officials. 

One of the visitors, Solmaz Yalman, said he had come from the village of Ortaköy.

"This is a magnificent place both for its view and air. Seeing the valley with naked eye both fascinates and scares people," he said. 

A Hatila local, Tolga Küçükay, said the project was a very good idea for the region, adding that it would also contribute to the promotion of the village. 

Hatila Valley 

Hatila Valley is a branch of the Çoruh River. The park is accessible via a 10 kilometer road from the center of Artvin, according to information provided by the Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry.

The valley is narrow with many waterfalls. There are parts of the valley where the slopes are almost vertical.

The vegetation is rich and dense in the middle and upper regions, with over 500 species of plants, reflecting the Mediterranean characteristics. 

The wide variety of animals live in the Hatila Valley and...

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