NATO chief warns about complacency on migrants
There has been a dramatic reduction in the number of migrants and refugees illegally crossing the Aegean Sea from Turkey into Europe, but authorities must not let down their guard as people smugglers can rapidly change routes, the head of NATO has cautioned.
The migrant crisis has shown the urgent need for a peaceful solution in Syria and the country's fragile cease-fire remains the best way forward, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said April 21 in Ankara on the last day of a two-day visit to the Turkish capital for talks with President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavu?o?lu and Defense Minister ?smet Y?lmaz.
"Based on information NATO has provided, Turkey is taking action to break the business model of human traffickers. And figures from different international organizations confirm that the numbers of migrants and refugees crossing the Aegean Sea are now going significantly down," Stoltenberg said at a joint press conference with Turkey's foreign minister while wrapping up his visit.
"It confirms that our collective efforts are making a difference. We need to remain flexible because the people smugglers can shift their routes very rapidly," he said, sounding a note of warning.
Greece has been returning migrants from Lesbos to Turkey under a landmark European Union deal signed March 18 to stop the uncontrollable influx of refugees into Europe.
NATO ships have been patrolling the Aegean Sea, conducting reconnaissance, monitoring and surveillance activities as directed, while the alliance has been sharing information with Turkish and Greek authorities and the European Union's border agency, FRONTEX, to assist in the international efforts to counter human trafficking...
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