Economy, terror and Kurdish votes

It was Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) chair Devlet Bahçeli who first ignited the early election debates. He said if the constitutional offers are not processed in the parliament, if the parliament is blocked then they will "take it to the nation" to decide. He was strongly supported by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who said if the parliament is blocked then early elections was not out of the question.

Bahçeli is a leader who sets the political agenda. The Nov. 3, 2002 elections were held due to him. The presidential system entered our agenda with Bahçeli's proclamation. President Erdoğan is a leader who opts for general elections when the parliament is blocked. 

Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım is reported to have said, "the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and MHP have submitted constitutional changes to the parliament. If the changes are not processed in the parliament, then there would be a political price for it." 

In the AK Party lobbies, the early election is regarded as the "B Plan." Some cabinet ministers emphasized that the second round of voting was critical: "In the first round, the affirmative votes were between 341 and 343. This means 330 plus 10 or more support. It is not a knife edge situation. There will not be a surprise in the second round." 

The "A Plan" of AK Party is the referendum. Preparations have been made accordingly. President Erdoğan is reported to have told the AK Party to process the constitutional amendments in the parliament with the MHP, then he would work with the nation in the referendum. Erdoğan will hold rallies; Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım will probably work differently.

I spoke to cabinet ministers and party administrators at AK Party. The party will hold a campaign for...

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