Mob attacks funeral of mother of jailed HDP deputy co-chair Tuğluk in Ankara

The burial of the mother jailed Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) deputy co-chair Aysel Tuğluk was attacked by a group chanting racist slogans in the capital Ankara late on Sept. 13, temporarily preventing the burial from taking place.

An investigation has been opened by the Interior Ministry into the incident, which has drawn condemnation across the political spectrum.

The body of Hatun Tuğluk had been taken to the İncek cemetery in Ankara's Gölbaşı district after a funeral ceremony at a cemevi, an Alevi house of worship, in the Batıkent district.

Tuğluk, who is currently in jail on terror charges, was attending her mother's funeral with special permission from the authorities and was accompanied by gendarmerie forces. HDP co-chair Serpil Kemalbay, HDP spokesperson Osman Baydemir, former Mardin co-mayor Ahmet Türk, and a number of HDP lawmakers also attended the funeral.

During the burial process, a group of around 20-25 people appeared on the scene to block the burial process, chanting anti-Armenian slogans and saying they did not want the body of a "terrorist" in the cemetery in their neighborhood.

As the group grew in number, police intervened to prevent a larger attack.

The Ankara Governor's Office issued a statement saying Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu arrived at the scene immediately, checking security precautions at the cemetery and telling the family of Tuğluk that all necessary measurements would be taken for the burial.

The statement added that the burial process would continue according to the decision of the family and said an investigation had been opened into the incident.

Soylu also said a necessary administrative and judicial investigation has been launched, while related...

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