Sofia Residents will Wait Less at City Transport Stops


Soon, Sofia residents will probably stop waiting trams, buses and trolleys for a long time. The municipality is working on new schedules to reduce the intervals between consecutive vehicles on the same line of urban transport. This was made clear by the words of Deputy Mayor of Sofia Transport Evgeni Krusev. "An optimization system is currently in place for the intervals for public transport by reducing them," he told the Bulgarian National Television.

At the same time, Sofia Municipality is preparing to repair the stops. For that purpose, procedures are currently being announced, Krusev said.

The director of the Center for Urban Mobility, Hristo Petrov, mentioned that the deadline for submitting applications for parking the cars of the residents in the areas with blue and green zones is approaching. The deadline for applying for stickers is 1 October. Then the validity of 4,000 stickers expires. Already there are about 3000, which have been renewed, added Petrov.

He reminded that the renewal could take place in four offices - bul. Budapeshta 17, Vazrazhdane Square 1 and the European Union and NDK Metro Stations. Requesting a vignette sticker can also be made online.


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