Catalonia will not Respond to the Madrid Ultimatum

Source: Twitter

Catalonia leader Carles Puigdemont will not respond to the Spanish government's request to clarify what the declaration of independence signed Tuesday evening by regional authorities actually means, said Rasson, quoted by TASS.

According to the release, Puigdemont is in constant contact with Catalonia Deputy Leader Oriol Jungerras. After consideration, it was decided not to respond to the request of Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. The prime minister gave the authorities in the autonomous region time to respond until Monday to clarify the situation. A second deadline - by October 19, is given to correct the situation and return to compliance with the law. The prime minister said the government is exploring whether to resort to Article 155 of the constitution, which allows abolition of Catalonia's self-government.

The Separatist People's Unity Party announced today that it has sent a letter to Puigdemont calling for a "declaration of a republic". According to the party, this would be the best answer to the Madrid question. On October 1, a referendum was held in the Spanish Autonomous Region to leave Spain. 2.28 million from 5.31 million Catalans voted, but 90.18% of them claimed independence.

Madrid considers the referendum illegal and does not recognize its results. On Tuesday, the leadership of Catalonia signed a declaration of independence, which is not yet in force. Regional Governor spokesman Jordi Turul called the signing a symbolic act.

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