The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria Will Insist on a Minimum Salary of BGN 700

The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) will insist on a salary of at least BGN 700 for a young people who graduated university, and who are working in their specialty. Decent pay for overtime is also part of the demands of the unions for which they will fight during the national  protest on Friday, October 27.

The national trade union protest  will urge the government for:

Salaries which will bring us closer to the average European level, a minimum wage that will provide people normal living;

 Normal payment of overtime and night work, especially for doctors and medical staff;

Tax system, fair distribution of the burden between labor and capital, between the poor and the rich;

Enhanced enforcement of social and labor law, especially in the area of safety and health at work, working time, wages and social security;

- Guaranteed access of every Bulgarian citizen to quality education and health care, functioning on a social rather than a market principle.

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