Undercover Agents will Watch for Dirty Buses and Rude Drivers in the Capital


Undercover controllers will monitor the conditions of metropolitan public transport. This is clear from a public procurement contract worth about BGN 470 000, which the Center for Urban Mobility announced.
Applicant firms are required to have at least 50 employees with administrative knowledge, able to handle classified information, and a minimum total turnover of at least BGN 180,000.

Because of the frequent complaints by rude drivers and dirty buses, the Metropolitan City Mobility Center decided to release external inspectors to monitor the quality of the service.
At the moment, 22 examiners from the company perform this function, but they are clearly not enough and now will be looking for a company to provide another 50 employees.

They will travel public vehicles and will check whether the timetables are kept, whether it is warm in the salon, whether tickets are sold to the passengers.

Failure to comply with some of the requirements will penalize operators serving a given line from the urban network.

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