Serbian prime minister visiting Munich

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic began on Sunday her visit to Munich, the Serbian government announced.

Brnabic participated in the conference "Digital, Life, Design" where she presented the priorities and plans for the development of creative and digital industries as well as development chances.

According to a statement, Brnabic was guest at a meeting of speakers of one of Europe's leading innovative conferences, which brings together about 150 speakers and more than 800 participants from around the world.

The prime minister was previously a guest at a lunch organized by Deutsche Telekom and Goldman Sachs where financial services and modern technologies in the modern world were discussed.

According to announcements, Brnabic spoke about the experiences of Serbia in the field of digitization tomorrow and the way in which digitization and IT change Serbia and presented the priorities and plans for the development of creative and digital industries as our development chances.

The statement posted on the Serbian government's website cited The Economost, that said the gathering was "one of the two most important innovative conferences in Europe."

Brnabic will on Monday meet with Bavarian State Minister for European Affairs and Regional Relations Bavaria Beate Merk, with whom she will discuss "bilateral relations and economic cooperation between Serbia and Germany."

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