Investors see the opportunity for safe earnings in Slovenia

How would you characterise the sale of DUTB business and residential property in 2018? Does it differ from the plan?

I cannot reveal figures before the release of the annual report, however I can say that sales will be lower than last year due to delays in two key projects: Koper Gate and a business centre in Belgrade. Koper Gate is a 164 apartment complex in Koper where we renewed the apartments, similar to Celovški Dvori and Nokturno, and due to the boom in the construction market, we had a problem finding the contractors, prolonging the project. And if we are not going to sell the whole unit now, we will start selling each apartment separately next year from March 2019.

The second project is a business centre in Belgrade, which is completely sold out and is of great interest. We were convinced that the project, worth about EUR 13m would be carried...

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