More than 100 illegal buildings in Black Sea region’s Uzungöl to be demolished

A decision was taken to demolish 95 of 112 illegal buildings and to rasp 17 of them in Uzungöl, one of the most popular touristic spots of the Black Sea region in the Çaykara district of Trabzon province.

Municipal teams moved to Çaykara early on Dec. 23 in order to implement the decision to demolish illegal structures.

After learning that the teams were on their way, the owners of the illegal building structures closed the Trabzon-Çaykara road to transportation by forming a roadblock with their cars.

Police dispersed the crowds who denied them access to the district and many people were detained.

After the tension at night, the demolishing process began in the early hours of the morning the day after.

While security forces have taken tight security measures in the environment, no one is allowed into the destruction areas.

"We were expecting a new review delegation from Ankara, but we had a bad surprise waiting for them," Murat Akyüz, vice president of Uzungöl Tourism Association, said in a statement.

"May Allah help us. A new zoning arrangement should be made for Uzungöl," he said.

"This is not right. Demolitions must be stopped," he added.

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