4 YPG/PKK terrorists surrender to Turkish forces

Four PKK/YPG terrorists surrendered to Turkish security forces, the Interior Ministry announced on Dec. 22.

Three terrorists were convinced by Turkish forces. Another fled the terror group and surrendered to the Turkish forces in the southeastern province of Şırnak.

The figure of terrorists surrendering to the forces has reached 260, an all time high in recent years, an official statement said.

The ministry noted that following domestic and external anti-terror operations, fault lines have emerged within the PKK/PYD terror group.

The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S., and the EU. It has has been responsible for the deaths of some 40,000 people, including women, children and infants.

The U.S.-backed SDF, a group dominated by the YPG, has been controlling some 28 percent of the Syrian territories, including most of the 911-kilometer-long Syria-Turkey border.

Turkey deems the YPG the Syrian offshoot of the illegal PKK.



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