EU's Turkey rapporteur says Ankara-Tripoli maritime deal has no legal bearing

A deal between Ankara and Libya's Tripoli-based government on maritime borders does not have any legal bearing for other countries, European Parliament rapporteur on Turkey, Nacho Sanchez Amor, told state-run news agency ANA-MPA on Thursday.

"I fully concur with the EU position as expressed by the High Representative Borrell in several occasions, in full solidarity with Greece and Cyprus," he said, noting that the MoU "infringes upon the sovereign rights of third states, does not comply with the Law of the Sea and cannot produce any legal consequences for third states."

Nacho Sanchez Amor said he had explained during a recent mission to Turkey "the importance of avoiding unilateral actions, as they can be harmful for the regional stability and security."

He said any dispute on this matter should be addressed "through dialogue and negotiation in good faith, in...

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